Here's a note I wrote on Facebook, before I had this blog:
Music affects nearly everyone. From the tone deaf to those who have perfect pitch, almost everyone will sing along to a song they enjoy. And nearly all of those people will be emotionally affected by this music that pervades their minds so easily. If I, as a music writer, have such a power to affect peoples' emotions, shouldn't I be very careful with it? Musicians have an important responsibility, and have to realize this.
This is why I automatically have distaste for young rising stars like Justin Bieber or Miley Cyrus (people reading this, don't turn this into a Bieber or Cyrus debate, I've had enough of those) writing music about falling in love with a member of the opposite sex, which is something I'm pretty sure they haven't really experienced yet. They are putting ideas and emotions in the heads of other youths who begin to believe that this is what love is, among other concepts that influential musicians have written music about.
So I say to music fans, be careful what you listen to, because a song can so easily change the way you are, for better or worse. And I say to aspiring musicians like myself, be careful what you write about, and try to stick to what you are familiar with. You are putting ideas and emotions into other peoples' heads, and that is a big thing. We must also remember that what we do should be to the glory of God. This applies to both listening to and playing music.