Saturday, April 16, 2011


Well, I believe that one of the first real steps into adulthood is the first marriage of a friend. A friend of the same or similar age. Check that sucker off.

Soon I'll be watching the 6 o'clock news with a cup of tea, grunting at the politicians I don't like, while my spouse knits me a cardigan. I think the very fact that I know what a cardigan is testifies to my advancing age.

Do you have "adult-itis"? Common symptoms are:

1. Little or no tolerance for bass (not the fish).
2. A designated chair.
3. A minivan (I actually drove one today).
4. Getting that where-are-you-from look after using an outdated cliché
5. The realization that they don't make things like they used to.

And many more.

But enough of that, the true intent of this blog post was to celebrate the beautiful unity of two really great friends. May Rob and Ruby have many, many happy years together with God's blessing. Hallelujah! It's a beautiful thing when God brings two Christian people together, that we may see his grace in this in a fallen world like ours.

I was going to write a poem, but I think it would turn out killer cheesy. Instead, I'll just post this somewhat (hardly) related previously written poem.


Under the seats
Of a school bus.
A kiss on a red
Fingers bound
with twine
and a half eaten
Ring Pop.

1 comment:

  1. Those symptoms seem (alarmingly!) familiar ...
